Illustrating the book was a great challenge for me. Not just the lyrics being quite sophisticated, but also German being my third language almost made me give up the project at the very beginning. I was sure it was going to be a disaster and not doable...

... but I gathered all my strength and agreed to start illustrating at all costs. To my surprise and great gratitude, Simon was a great collaborator, helping me with every poem which was to be illustrated (there were 12 of them). Some were easy to create, others seemed impossible to visualize, but here it is, the book is ready and all the illustrations were ready just in time.

After countless times of re-reading and trying to understand the lyrics, I was carried away by the spirituality of the poems and deep connection with the water, rebirth and spiritual growth which truly spoke to me and helped me create the illustrations.
And of course I could not do all this without Simon's ideas and explanations




The book Himmeleinhundert was published in autumn 2023
and is available for sale here: https://www.brotundkunst.com/himmeleinhundert
and is available for sale here: https://www.brotundkunst.com/himmeleinhundert

Thank you!